Via Cavour 1 - 37067 Valeggio sul Mincio
Sigurtà Garden Park is a huge green oasis on the edge of the morainic hills that stretch over an area of 600,000 m2, where spectacular flowerings can be admired in the course of the different seasons. Centuries-old trees, medicinal herbs, soft meadows and little tropical lakes are the distinctive features of this delightful landscape visitors can either cycle through or walk through, or admire from the comfort of the little train that runs through the gardens.
The park is ranked among the five most extraordinary gardens in the world, and professional guides are on hand for visits.
Some of the main hallmarks of the park are:
The Avenue of the Roses, undoubtedly the element for which Sigurtà Garden Park is best known all over the world. Each year, in spring, the kilometre-long stretch comes abloom with more than 30,000 carefully selected Queen Elizabeth and Hybrid Polyantha & Floribunda roses. A magnificent backdrop to the avenue is provided by the Della Scala Castle (10th-14th century); although the castle actually lies outside the walls of the Park, the perspective has been skilfully created so as to make it seem an integral part of the garden's architecture.
- The Medicinal Herbs Garden, featuring plants with impressive therapeutic properties.
- The Water Gardens, with delightful colours reminiscent of the landscapes depicted in the finest Impressionist paintings.
- The Maze, the newest attraction in the Park: an extraordinary labyrinth of hedges, formed by 1,500 specimens of Yew, winding its way amid two-metre tall trees and spread over a rectangular area of 2,500 m2.
- Laura’s Hermitage, the monument to Carlo Sigurtà, the Stone of Eternal Youth and the Castelletto.
- The Great Oak, the Box Trees and the Tà Farm, with donkeys, goats, hens, turkeys and ducks.
Advice for visitors to the Park
During spring you do not have to miss “Tulipanomania”, the fabulous flowering of over a million tulips adds swathes of colour to the 600,000 square metres of the Park in the months of March and April.