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Bardolino Buskers Festival

Bardolino Buskers Festival

Events and Holidays
Bardolino Buskers Festival

From 2nd to 4th August in Bardolino, local musicians will liven up the streets of the historic centre.

The Bardolino Buskers Festival is an event dedicated to street artists that aims to enhance the streets of Bardolino's historic centre through live music. We are convinced that the street musician, the so-called busker, can bring beauty and emotions to people and give new colours to our town. We therefore want to raise awareness of the value of music, beauty and culture, which can be enjoyed by all.

The variety of genres and the quality of the music has therefore been favoured for this edition: professionals from neighbouring towns will be present, who will play the role of buskers and give us their notes.

Local artisans will also be present, exhibiting their works on Bardolino's lakefront.

Street Food Gourmet Area at Carrara Bottagisio Park

Market Area on Lungolago Cornicello/Lungolago F. Lenotti


02/08/2024 to 04/08/2024Next edition under development

Event Info

Bardolino, Lungolago Cornicello e Parco Carrara Bottagisio

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 - Cap. sociale 20.000 - REA VR: 389497
English (EN)
© 2024 LagodiGardaCamping S.r.l - 




 - Cap. sociale 20.000 - REA VR: 389497
English (EN)